Spiritism and Mental Health

Practices from Spiritist Centers and Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals in Brazil


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Contributions by Stanley Krippner, Decio Iandoli, Homero Vallada, Allan Wallace, Carlos Appel, Andrew Powell, Andrew Powell, Linda Russek, Beverly Rubik, Dean Radin
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Acknowledgements. Permissions Granted. Disclaimers. Author Biographies. Foreword by James Lake, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Tucson, USA, and President, International Network of Integrative Mental Health. Introduction, Emma Bragdon, PhD, Director of the Foundation for Energy Therapies, Vermont, USA.; Section I: Survival of Consciousness, Mediumship and the Spiritist Understanding of Mental Health.; 1. Current Research on Survival of Consciousness and Mediumship. Linda Russek, PhD, Director, Heart Science Foundation, Arizona, USA.; 2. A Brief History of Spiritism. Emma Bragdon, PhD, Director, Foundation for Energy Therapies, Vermont, USA.; 3. A Brief Overview of the Philosophy and Development of Spiritism's Methodologies. Alexander Moreira-Almeida, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry, Medical School of Juiz de Fora, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.; 4. The Spiritist View of Mental Disorders. Alexander Moreira-Almeida, MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry, Medical School of Juiz de Fora, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.; 5. The Relationship of Mediumship to Mental Disorder. Marlene Nobre, MD, President, Brazilian Medical Spiritist Association and President of Spiritist centers G. E. Schutel and Creche Lar do Alvorecer, Sao Paulo, Brazil.; 6. Case Studies of Those with Serious Diagnoses. Emma Bragdon, PhD, Director, Foundation for Energy Therapies, Vermont, USA.; Section II: Spiritist Treatments: Practice.; 7. Three Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals. A. The Spiritist Hospital Andre Luiz. Roberto Lucio Viera de Souza, MD, Director, Spiritist Hospital Andre Luiz of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and Jaider Rodrigues e Paulo, MD, Psychiatrist, Spiritist Hospital Andre Luiz, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. B. The Spiritist Psychiatric Hospital of Porto Alegre. Emma Bragdon, PhD, Director of the Foundation for Energy Therapies, Vermont, USA. C. Joao Evangelista Hospital. Candido Pinto Vallada, MD, Vice President, Council of Directors and General Coorindator, Spirituality and Mental Health Integration Program, Hospital Joao Evangelista, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Camilla Casaletti Braghetta, MA, Occupational Therapist, HOJE, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Giancarlo Lucchetti, MD, Research Executive Coordinator, Spirituality and Mental Health Program, Hospital Joao Evangelista, Sao Paolo, Brazil, Frederico Camelo Leao, MD, CEO, Hospital Joao Evangelista, Sao Paolo, Brazil and Homero Vallada, MD, President, Council of Directors at the Hospital Joao Evangelista, Sao Paolo, Brazil and Associate Professor, the University of Sao Paulo Medical School.; 8. Magnetic Healing, Prayer and Energy Passes. Gilson Roberto, MD, Medical Director, Spiritist Psychiatric Hospital of Porto Alegre, Brazil.; 9. Psychotherapy and Reincarnation: A Necessary and Fruitful Encounter. Julio Peres, PhD, Clinical Psychologist and Researcher at the Program for Health, Spirituality and Religiosity, Psychiatry Institute, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, Sao Paulo, Brazil.; 10. The Group Field. Emma Bragdon, PhD, Director of the Foundation for Energy Therapies, Vermont, USA.; 11. Spiritual Counseling and Fellowship in Spiritist Centers. Carlos Appel, MD, General Practitioner, Porto Alegre, Brazil and Tania Appel, MA, medium and leader, Casa de Dom Inacio, Abadiania, Brazil.; 12. Jung, Spirits and Madness: Lessons for Cultural Psychiatry. Joan Koss, PhD, Professor Emerita, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, USA.; 13. The Practice of Integrating Spirituality into Psychotherapy. Mario Sergio Silveira, PhD, Administrator, Hospital Bom Retiro, Curitibia, Brazil.; 14. When Psychiatrists Are Mediums. Gilson Roberto, MD, Medical Director, Spiritist Psychiatric Hospital of Porto Alegre, Brazil.; Section III: Current Science, Psychotherapy and Spiritism.; 15. A Science of Understanding the Mind: The Next Great Scientific Revolution. Alan Wallace, PhD, President, Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies, California, USA.; 16. Spirit Attachment and Health. Alan Sanderson, MD, President of the Spirit Release Foundation, London, UK.; 17. Soul-Centered Psychotherapy. Andrew Powell, MD, Founder, Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group, Royal College of Psychiatrists, London, UK.; 18. The Power of Magnetized Water. Beverly Rubik, PhD, Director, Institute for Frontier Science, California, USA.; 19. The Positive Potential of Dissociative States of Consciousness. Melvin Morse, MD.; 20. Compassionate intention as a therapeutic intervention by partners of cancer patients: Effects of distant intention on the patients' autonomic nervous system. Dean Radin, PhD, Senior Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Sonoma State University, California, USA, Jerome Stone, MA, RN, Ellen Levine, PhD, Shahram Eskandarnejad, MD, Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, Leila Kozak, PhD, Dorothy Mandel, PhD and Gail Hayssen.; 21. The Pineal Gland and Its Influence on Body-Mind-Soul Integration. Decio Iandoli, Jr, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, UNIDERP, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.; Section IV: The International Impact of Spiritism.; 22. What Spiritist Centers Offer Outside of Brazil. Janet Duncan, founder member, The International Spiritist Council and former President of the British Union of Spiritist Societies (BUSS).; 23. Contributions of Brazilian Spiritist Treatments to the Global Improvement of Mental Health Care. Stanley Krippner, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University, San Francisco, USA, and Emma Bragdon, PhD, Director of the Foundation for Energy Therapies, Vermont, USA.; Section V: Education and Research.; 24. Training Mediums Who Treat Psychiatric Patients. Gerald Magnan,.; 25. Teaching Health Professionals How to Support Personal Transformation in Patients. Gelson Roberto, PhD, Advisor to the Spiritist Psychiatric Hospital of Porto Alegre, Brazil.; 26. Researching the Invisible: Entangled Minds, Psychiatry, and Psychology. William Braud, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, California, USA. References. Tables and Figures. Glossary. Resources: Further Reading and Viewing. Resources: Organizations Supporting the Integration of Spirituality and Psychiatry. Resources: Research. Index.

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