Introduction. Preface. Acknowledgments.; 1. Introduction: What Maharishi Ayurveda Offers to Clinical Medicine.; 2. The 'Consciousness Model' of Medicine.; 3. Foundations of Maharishi Ayurveda's Approach to Physiology and Anatomy.; 4. Pathogenesis and Diagnosis.; 5. Diet and Digestion.; 6. Ama - Toxic Build-up in the Physiology.; 7. Active Ingredients, Free Radicals, Antioxidants, and the Herbal Pharmacopeia.; 8. A Practical Application of the Consciousness Model: Transcendental Meditation.; 9. The Effect of Emotions and Thinking on Health.; 10. The Rhythms of Nature.; 11. Purification Therapies: Maharishi Panchakarma.; 12. Physical Exercise.; 13. Women's Health: Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Pediatrics.; 14. Ayurvedic Treatments for Common Medical Conditions with Case Studies.; 15. Vedic Approaches to Health. Appendices.; Appendix I: Pronunciation Guide.; Appendix II: Resources. Index.