Introduction: The Bigger Picture. Part I. Spirituality Matters. 1. Spirituality and Psychology. Part II. The World of Shamanism. 2. Shamanism: The Continuum of Humanities Spiritual Quest. 3. The Heart of the Matter: Altered States of Consciousness and Perception. 4. Strange Worlds: The Shaman's Spirit Realms and the Quantum Realm. 5. The Shaman as Therapist and Healer: Towards Integration and Wholeness. 6. The Shamans Working Realms: Maps of Interconnected Human Reality. Part III. Practical Applications: Incorporating Elements of Shamanism into Therapeutic Work. 7. A Sense of the Sacred: Clients, Space and Objects. 8. Giving it Form: Embodying and Bridging Intent into Matter. 9. A Place of Power and Sanctuary for the Client. 10. The Shamanic Journey as a Therapeutic Tool. 11. Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval. 12. Widening our Circle: Connecting with Ancestors and Descendents. 13. Myths, Stories and Teaching Tales. 14. Therapeutic Work with Ritual and Ceremony. 15. The Medicine Wheel as a Psycho-spiritual and Therapeutic Tool. 16. Travelling Home: Re-connecting with Nature. 17. The Cycle of Life: When the Body Dies. Part 4. Back to the Bigger Picture. 18. About Individual and Collective Purpose in Today's World.