1. Introduction: Pain is Really Strange. 1.1. Acute vs chronic. 2. What is Pain? 2.1. Am I safe? 2.2. Perception begins and ends with neurons. 2.3. Your brain makes mistakes: Chronic pain as fault in the alarm system. 2.4. History of pain: Descartes vs Aristotle. 2.5. Pain is complex. 3. It Is Not About The Tissues. 3.1. Common tissues explanation for pain. 3.2. Tissues optimise their healing within a few months. 3.3. There may be loss of function and some new ways to move, but why should that be painful? 4. How Do Nerves Work? 4.1. Nerves are little agents with their own agenda. 4.2. Bad news travels fast and we get sensitised. 5. There Is Something You Can Do To Change Your Pain Experience. 5.1. Be creative. 5.2. Learn the skills to feel your body more. 5.3. Find ways of moving without fear. 5.4. Understand how the alarm system works. 5.5. Do not use language that messes with your head. 5.6. It is not your fault. 5.7. What can you do differently to change the pain habit? 6. Notes and References.