Massage, aromatherapy, reflexology and a variety of relaxation techniques are frequentlyused in hospices, supportive care settings and some hospitals. However, there are stillgaps and limitations in the choices offered to patients. HEARTS (Hands-on, Empathy,Aromas, Relaxation, Textures, Sound) was devised to bridge this gap for complementarytherapists, patients, carers and health care professionals. HEARTS can be used either onits own, or integrated with a conventional complementary therapy. It can also be usedeasily by health care workers (and carers) who are not qualified in any therapies.By discussing principles which may influence the effectiveness of touch and relaxationtherapies, the book emphasises that there are 'easy' approaches that can be utilised whenworking with distressed and vulnerable patients.By developing an understanding of touch, aromas and the sound of the human voice,Combining Touch and Relaxation Skills for Cancer Care guides practitioners in helpingtheir patients achieve a state of relaxation and calm as quickly and easily as possible.