Introduction; 1. Embryogenesis; 2. Hyperemesis Gravidarum; 3. Miscarriage; 4. Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy; 5. Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy; 6. Placenta Previa; 7. Malposition of the Fetus; 8. Polyhydramnios; 9. Oligohydramnios; 10. Gestational Diabetes; 11. Pregnancy Related Carpel Tunnel Syndrome; 12. Sciatica in Pregnancy; 13. Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnancy; 14. Retention of Urine in Pregnancy; 15. Urinary Incontinence in Pregnancy; 16. Oedema in Pregnancy; 17. Induction of Labour; 18. Obstructed Labour (Dystocia); Conclusion
Eddie Dowd has been practicing Chinese medicine for over 15 years and continues to work in clinical practice. He lives in Ireland.