Dedication. Acknowledgements. Foreword by Dennis McCarthy. Introduction.; 1. Neuro-Dramatic-Play: Definition and Theories.; 2. NDP and Attachment.; 3. NDP and Play and Play Therapy.; 4. NDP During Pregnancy and Birth.; 5. NDP and The First Six Months.; 6. NDP and Resilience.; 7. NDP and Children with Attachment Needs.; 8. NDP in Fostering and Adoption: Looked After Children.; 9. NDP with Teenagers and Young Adults.; 10. NDP and Children on the Autistic Spectrum.; 11. NDP and Children with Learning Difficulties.; 12. NDP for Therapists and Teachers - The Wider Context.; Appendices 1 - Part One.; Appendices 2 - Part Two. References. Afterword by Mooli Lahad. Index.