The child's world often revolves around dreams and fantasy. Imaginary friends, places and play can seem entirely real, and yet in dismissing these as 'just your imagination', many adults cut a tie that can be the key to understanding a child.Unseen Worlds explores the fantastical nature of children's imaginings, and demonstrates the negative adult tendency to trivialise them. The book breaks new ground by giving voice to children of various ages to express how they encounter these different worlds, examining the dark and frightening concept of nightmares in addition to happy and playful daydreams. Kate Adams emphasises that whilst many adults forget what it feels like to be a child, developing a little empathy and understanding can enhance relationships with children and lead to positive change, both in parenting and professional practice.This insightful book will be of great interest to educators, counsellors, youth and community workers, childcare providers, parents and anybody else who seeks to understand, nurture, and strengthen relationships with children of all ages.