Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Older People

Interventions for Those With and Without Dementia


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By Ian Andrew James
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Chapter 1. 1.1 Introduction. 1.2 Partitioning - parts 1 to 3. Part 1. Chapter 2. Patients' Presentations and How CBT Helps. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Nature of the mood disorders. 2.3 Nature of standard CBT. 2.4 Working with people in non-standard CBT formats. 2.5 Conclusion. Chapter 3. Adapting Therapy for Older People. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Two dimensional framework for categorising presentations. 3.3 Conclusion. Chapter 4. Cognitive Changes, Executive Functioning, Working Memory and Scripts: Their Relevance to Therapeutic Engagement. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Cognitive changes. 4.3 Executive functioning. 4.4 Working memory. 4.5 Actions of scripts. 4.6 Conclusion. Part 2. Chapter 5. Assessment. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Assessment protocol. 5.3 Cautions regarding the assessment process. 5.4 Measures. 5.5 Conclusion. Chapter 6. Case Formulation. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Nature of formulations. 6.3 Formulations with older people. 6.4 Review of formulation approaches used with older people. 6.5 Choice of formulation. 6.6 Cautions regarding use of formulations. 6.7 Conclusion. Chapter 7 Change Techniques. 7.1 Introduction. 7.2 Nature of change. 7.3 Change strategies. 7.4 Process issues associated with change techniques. 7.5 Modifying core beliefs. 7.6 Cognitive change with the continuum technique. 7.7 Conclusion. Part 3. Chapter 8 A Case Study in Depression: Mary. 8.1 Introduction. 8.2 Overview of the case. 8.3 Review of the work undertaken with Mary. 8.4 Conclusion. Chapter 9 Assessing and Developing Clinical Competence. 9.1 Introduction. 9.2 The Cognitive Therapy Scale-Revised. 9.3 Conclusion. Chapter 10. Use of Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Challenging Behaviours in Care Facilities: A Staff-Centred, Person-Focused Approach. 10.1 Introduction. 10.2 Description of the NCBS and its treatment philosophy. 10.3 Overview of the case. 10.4 Protocol of the Newcastle approach. 10.5 Process and structural features of the assessment phase. 10.6 Information Sharing Session (ISS) and goal-setting process. 10.7 Formulation. 10.8 Treatment and outcome. 10.9 Reflections. Chapter 11.Concluding Comments 11.1 Introduction. 11.2 Working with carers. 11.3 Alternative models to CBT in the treatment of depression. 11.4 IAPT: Provision of Mental Health Services for Older People. 11.5 Concluding comments and reflections. Appendix 1: Disorder-specific conceptual models. Appendix 2: A training manual for promoting therapeutic competence. References.

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