Foreword by Nicholas F. Mazza, Ph.D. Preface.; Section I.; 1. Becoming Our Own Shaman: Introduction to Therapeutic Creative Writing.; 2. 'A Story of Gaining Understanding and Insight': How to Begin.; 3. 'I Got in Touch with Myself': Values, Principles, Practice.; Section II.; 4. 'Secrets Kept Safe and Sound': Children Writing.; 5. 'Writing is a Way of Saying Things I Can't Say': Writing with the Very Sick.; 6. 'Keep Taking the Words': Writing to Help with Anxiety, Depression and Mental Health.; 7. 'Follow the Wings of the Imagination': Writing and Therapy or Counselling.; 8. 'Writing Gives us Wings so We Can Fly': Writing in Substance and Alcohol Abuse Treatment.; 9. 'Ideas Hunt Me, Catch Me, Make Me Write': Writing for Victims of Torture and Asylum Seekers.; 10. A Craft to Take You Through Storms, and Keep You Still': Writing in Prison.; 11. Understanding Misunderstanding: Reflective Writing for Professional Development.; Section III.; 12. Mystery and Mastery: Running Therapeutic Creative Writing Groups.; 13. 'It Helped Me Get Involved with Myself': Running Residential Writing Groups.; 14. 'Tread Softly Because You Tread on My Dreams': Conclusion, a Conversation Between Juhani Ihanus and Gillie Bolton. References. Index.