Introduction. Part 1. Virtue One: Wisdom and Knowledge. 1. Creativity: Thinking of novel and productive ways to do things. 2. Curiosity: Taking an interest in all of ongoing experience. 3. Open Mindedness: Thinking things through and examining them from all sides. 4. Love of Learning: Mastering new skills, topics and bodies of knowledge. 5. Perspective: Being able to provide wise counsel to others. Part 2. Virtue Two: Courage. 6. Authenticity: Speaking the truth and presenting oneself in a genuine way. 7. Bravery: Not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty or pain. 8. Persistence: Finishing what ones starts. 9. Zest: Approaching life with excitement and energy. Part 3. Virtue Three: Humanity. 10. Kindness: Doing favours and good deeds to others. 11. Love: Valuing close relations with others. 12. Social Intelligence: Being aware of the motives and feelings of self and others. Part 4. Virtue Four: Justice. 13. Fairness: Treating all people the same according to notions of fairness and justice. 14. Leadership: Organising group activities and seeing that they happen. 15. Teamwork: Working well as a member of group or team. Part 5. Virtue Five: Temperance. 16. Forgiving those who have Done Wrong. 17. Modesty: Letting one's accomplishments speak for themselves. 18. Prudence: Being careful about one's choices; not saying or doing things that might later be regretted. 19. Self-regulation: Regulating what ones feels and does. Part 6. Virtue Six: Transcendence. 20. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence: Noticing and appreciating beauty, excellence and/or skills performance in all domains of life. 21. Gratitude: Being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen. 22. Hope: Expecting the best and working to achieve it. 23. Humour: Likely to laugh and tease; bringing smiles to other people. 24. Religiousness: Having coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of life.