Acknowledgements. How to Use This Book in a Hurry. Introduction. 1. Laying the Foundations. 2. Bringing Out the Best in Your Child. 3. Common Problems, A-Z. 4. A Word of Personal Reflection. 5. Tip Finder: A List of All the Ideas, Tips and Strategies Contained in the Book. Appendices: 1. Applied Behaviour Analysis. 2. Planning an ABA Intervention. 3. A Token Economy. 4. Ground Rules. 5. My Emotions Book. 6. Anger Dos and Don'ts. 7. Emotion Vocabulary. 8. Ways to Earn Happy and Sad Faces. 9. Breaking a Task Into Smaller Steps. 10. The Clear Speech Game. 11. Hurting is Not Always Intentional. 12. Teasing and Banter. 13. What is Bullying? 14. Bullying Dos and Don'ts. Useful Websites. Bibliography. Index.