Introduction. Katherine Runswick-Cole, Rebecca Mallett and Sami Timimi. Part 1. What is autism? 1. Understanding this thing called autism. Katherine Runswick-Cole. 2. What have we learned from the science of autism? Sami Timimi and Brian McCabe. 3. Does everybody with autism have the same underlying condition? Richard Hassall. 4. The Biopolitics of autism in Brazil. Francisco Ortega, Rafaela Zorzanelli and Clarice Rios. Part 2. Deconstructing autism. 5. Life without autism: A cultural logic of violence. Anne McGuire. 6. The commodification of autism: What's at stake? Rebecca Mallett and Katherine Runswick-Cole. 7. How rude! Autism as a study in ability. Kim Davies. 8. Autism and the human. Dan Goodley. 9. Autism screening and diagnostic tools. Sami Timimi and Brian McCabe. Part 3. Changing practice. 10. Schools without labels. Nick Hodge. 11. Questions of treatment: Does a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder help us to help a person with Intellectual Disabilities? Graham Collins. 12. Diagnosing the person, or diagnosing their environment? Paul Moloney. 13. Critical Systemic Therapy: Autism stories and disabled people with learning difficulties. Mark Haydon Laurelut. 14. Critical autism and critical neuroscience: Towards a science of research and practice. Tom Billington. 15. Early diagnosis of autism: Is earlier always better? Ginny Russell. 16. Thinking systems: Mind as a relational activity. Gail Simon. 17. The ethics and consequences of making Autism Spectrum diagnosis. Saqib Latif. 18. Examining language and communication in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Tom Muskett.