Foreword by Glenn Alperin. Introduction.; 1. The World of Prosopagnosia: Kinds and Causes.; 2. Seeing Faces.; 3. Some of the Benefits which the Growing Child Gains by Recognizing Faces.; 4. Faces, Math, and Motion: The Clustering of Talent and Impairment Areas.; 5. Tips for Recognizing Non-recognition.; 6. How Prosopagnosics Recognize.; 7. Tips for Supporting the Prosopagnosic Child in Elementary School.; 8. The Older Child and Teen in School.; 9. Building Coalitions of Parents and Teachers.; 10. A Parent's Guide to Helping the Prosopagnosic Child to Thrive Socially.; 11. Disclosure of Prosopagnosia.; 12. Facial Expressions and Prosopagnosia.; 13. Diagnosis of Prosopagnosia for School-aged Children.; 14. Summary: Looking Toward the Future. Afterword. Appendix: Theories of Development. Glossary. Acknowledgments. Bibliography. Index.