Introduction.; 1. Imagination, Self-taught, Reading and Savant Skills, and Unusual Interests.; 2. Why Smart Girls Sometimes Hate School.; 3. Sensory Overload.; 4. Stimming, and What We Do When We're Happy.; 5. On Blame and Internalizing Guilt.; 6. Identity and Gender Roles.; 7. Puberty and Mutism.; 8. Attraction, Dating, Sex, and Relationships.; 9. Friendships and Socializing.; 10. Higher Learning.; 11. Employment and Career.; 12. Marriage and Cohabitation.; 13. Having Children.; 14. Ritual and Routine, Logical and Literal Thinking, Bluntness, Empathy, and Being Misunderstood.; 15. Diagnosis, Misdiagnosis, and Medication.; 16. Depression Meltdowns, PTSD, and More About Meds.; 17. Temper Meltdowns.; 18. Burning Bridges.; 19. Stomach Issues and Autism.; 20. Getting Older on the Spectrum.; 21. On Whether AS is a Disability or a Gift, and Advice from Aspergirls to Aspergirls. Additional Tools for Parents.; 22. Give Your Aspergirl some B.A.L.L.S. - Belief, Acceptance, Love, Like, and Support.; 23. Thoughts and Advice from Parents of Aspergirls. References and Resources.