Introduction.; 1. Why Troubleshooting Works - Top 10 Reasons.; 2. How Troubleshooting Works - Three Steps.; 3. Fixing the Problem Versus Fixing Each Other.; 4. Nearly Any Problem Can be Resolved When it is Small.; 5. Troubleshooting Conversations.; 6. Troubleshooting Executive Function Issues - Planning and Scheduling.; 7. Troubleshooting in the Bedroom - Sensual Sharing.; 8. Troubleshooting Your Personal Attachment Style - Secure, Avoidant, or Anxious.; 9. Troubleshooting Reciprocity - Tips and Tricks to Create Respect in your Relationship.; 10. Troubleshooting Continuity of the Relationship - Monogamy, Faithfulness, and BFFs.; 11. Troubleshooting Existence Together - Inside the Home.; 12. Troubleshooting in the Wild - Outside the Home.; 13. Troubleshooting Obsessions and Priorities - Choosing What to Do with your Time.; 14. Troubleshooting with Children - When a Couple Becomes a Family.; 15. Troubleshooting Mindblindness - The Universe is Us.; 16. Troubleshooting Misunderstandings - How to Get Off the Ledge.; 17. Troubleshooting Complaints - Toxicity in Relationships.; 18. Troubleshooting Whether to Stay or Go - Break Ties or Keep Trying?; 19. Troubleshooting Blockades to Personal Bliss - Finding What Works for You.; 20. Optimism, Pessimism, and How to Be a Partner (Not a Parent).; 21. Identifying and Celebrating Improvements. Resources and Recommended Reading.