Prelude. Part I. The Theory. 1. Coming to Our Senses. 2. This is Your Brain on Sensations! 3. Interpreting Autism and Sensory Characteristics. Part 2. The Practice. 4. What is This Thing Called Eurhythmics? 5. Eurhythmics in Music-Based Clinical Work. 6. Sensory Organization through Quick Response Movement. 7. Free To Be Me. 8. Observing with a Clinical Eye. Part 3. The Conclusion. 9. Reviewing the Paradigm, Treating Other Diagnoses. Coda: Conclusion. Appendix 1. Sample Tracking Log for Eurhythmics Interventions. Sample Brief Report of Clinical Work and Recommendations for XoXoXo. Appendix II. Understanding the Included Special Needs Child in Music Class. Appendix III. Music Soothes the Ravaged Brain. Bibliography. Index.