Music Therapy in Health and Education


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Edited by Tony Wigram, Margaret Heal
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Foreword, Anthony Storr. Introduction, Margaret Heal and Tony Wigram- Part 1 Clinical work: children - the creative processes are universal, Clive Robbins, a case of severe infantile regression treated by music therapy and explored in group supervision, Pier Luigi Postacchini et al; adolescents - containment in music therapy, Jos De Backer, control and creativity ... music therapy with adolescents in secure care, Claire Flower; families - music therapy with families, Amelia Oldfield; adults - music therapy in the psychodynamic treatment of schizophrenia, Hanne Metter Kortegaard, description of an experience in music therapy carried out at the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Genoa, G Berruti et al; levels of interaction in group improvisation, Esme Towse and Claire Flower; music therapy ... a methodological approach in the mental health field, Giaizluigi di Franco; opening doors ... the effects of music therapy with people who have severe learning difficulties and display challenging behaviour, Fiona Ritchie; individual therapy with a man who has an eating disorder, Ami Sloboda; music - a mega vitamin for the brain, Denise Erdonmez; music therapy's role in the diagnosis of psychogeriatric patients, J. Raijmaekers. Part 2 Research - literature review: music therapy research to meet the demands of health and education services - research and literature analysis, Tony Wigram; applications of music in medicine, C D Maranto; applied research - spontaneous ritualised play in music therapy - a technical and theoretical analysis, A Agrotou; cultural aspects of music therapy, R Bright; developing interaction through shared musical experiences - a strategy to enhance and validate the descriptive approach, J Hooper; autistic children - the influence of maternal involvement in therapy, P. Muller and A. Warwick; research in practice in the music therapy treatment of a client with symptoms of anorexia nervosa, H Smeijsters and J van den Hurk; the guitar doesn't know this song - an investigation of parallel development in speech/language and music therapy, J Sutton; observational techniques in the analysis of both active and receptive music therapy with disturbed and self-injurious clients, Tony Wigram.

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