Aging, independence and the life course, Sara Arber and Maria Evandrou. Part 1 Independence and autonomy in later life: forgotten but not gone - the experience of aging with a disability, Gerry Zarb; money and independence in old age, Gail Wilson; social roles, personal identity and food consumption, Glennys Howarth; aging, gender and the organization of physical activities, Kevin Morgan and Kate Bennett. Part 2 Perceptions of aging: comparative perceptions of aging - case studies in England and Yugoslavia, John Vincent and Zelijka Mudrovcic; the emotional and sexual lives of older people, H.B. Gibson; policies and perceptions, service needs of elderly people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds, Janet Askham; the meaning of home in later life, Craig Gurney and Robin Means. Part 3 Constraints, choice and policy implications: housing, the life course and older people, David Clapham et al; class and material inequalities in informal caring, Sara Arber and Jay Ginn; what role for institutional care?, Paul Higgs and Christina Victor; British welfare policy and the life course - developing sensitive alternatives, Maria Evandrou and Jane Falkingham.