Introduction, Hilary Owen and Jacki Pritchard; managing your own learning in child protection, Ann Hollows; the Children Act and child protection, Pat Munroe; recognition of abuse, Alice Swann; awareness and recognition, Jo Crow; recognition of abuse by workers in other specialisms, Jacki Pritchard; preventing female genital mutilation - a practical multidisciplinary approach, Hilary Owen and Lola Brown; children with disabilities - a challenge for child protection procedures?, Philippa Russell; on becoming a tightrope walker - communicating effectively with children about abuse, Eve Brock; promoting inter-professional understanding and collaboration, Tony McFarlane; developing skills in contributing at child protection case conferences, Hilary Owen and Lindsey Savage; child protection conferences - maximizing their potential, Marion Charles; formulating child protection plans, Hilary Owen and Jacki Pritchard; victims of child abuse giving evidence - helping to reduce trauma, Isobel Todd; child protection - the police perspective, Colin Walke; supervision and support of workers involved in child protection cases, Dorota Iwaniec; support and supervision for social workers working in the child protection field, Jacki Pritchard.