Part 1. Play - a mirror into the world of the child: making sense of the world through play; exploring the world of the awakening senses; embodied play; my space in the world - what is ''me'' and ''not me''; making symbolic worlds; playing the social world dramatic play - learning the rules/breaking the rules. Part 2 Play therapy - using the creative expressive play of the child to heal the hurt: playing the memories of the past; playing an imaginary past - starting again; re-making a world; mending and healing. Part 3 The roles of the therapist: the social role of the therapist; the therapist as transference figure; the therapist as a character in the play. Part 4 Structuring the play: structure of the therapy; settings and materials; contracts with the child. Part 5 Methods and processes in play therapy: creative free play; dramatic play; task-based play. Part 6 Work settings for play therapy: play therapy in social services; play therapy in the education service; play therapy in hospitals. Part 7 The adult playground: finding the roots of creativity; creative-expressive play.