Part 1 Defining language and communication disorders: language and communication; language, spoken language and speech; disorder, disability, impairment, delay and deviance; standards of comparison. Part 2 Categorizing language and communication disorders: the medical approach; the linguistic approach; combining the medical and linguistic taxonomies. Part 3 Prevalence of language disorders in children. Part 4 Non-linguistic variables associated with language disorder: sex; social class; intelligence; behaviour problems; overview of variables associated with language disorders. Part 5 Prognosis for children with language disorders: stability of language disorders; prognosis for reading abilities; prognosis for intelligence; prognosis for behaviour problems; overview of longitudinal evidence. Part 6 Assessing language disorders: functions of assessment; contexts of assessment; standardized tests; naturalistic observations; non-standardized elicitations. Part 7 Intervention strategies: issues of intervention; goals of intervention; in intervention techniques; agents of intervention; settings of intervention; language units.