Part 1 The contemporary scene: a time of change; what is dementia?; the creation and re-creation of Alzheimer's disease; what is wrong with the organic model?, the implications of the organic model; therapeutic disdain - therapy, therapists and older people with dementia. Part 2 A psychological model: seeing the person in context - the sociological, the social and the social psychological; a model of the mind in dementia - an initial framework; the person-focused approach - what is it like to be a person diagnozed as having dementia?; the emotional world - coping with destruction of self/identity. Part 3 Applying the psychological model: improving the quality of assesment - a systemic approach; therapeutic interventions; later interventions; implications of our model for service delivery and future development. Part 4 Forces in the future: the kings and queens on the chessboard; restless farewell.