Introduction and overview of the problem, Panos Vostanis, Stuart Cumella. Section A: general health problems, Cath Hutchinson; development and mental health problems; parenting issues in homeless families, Jacqueline Barnes; domestic violence leading to homelessness, Gill Hague, Ellen Malos; homeless young people, Robert Wrate, Caroline Blair; experience of homeless children, Eleanor Grattan. Section B: effects of changes in housing legislation and models of practice, Pat Niner; use of health and social services I, Stuart Cumella; use of health and social services II, Stuart Cumella; primary and secondary health care, Christina Victor; doubly disadvantaged, Sally Power, Deborah Youdell; the role of the voluntary sector, Leila Baker; the family shelter system in the United States, Ann Masten; general recommendations, Stuart Cumella, Panos Vostanis.