Introduction - the problematization of welfare as culture, Richard Freeman et al. Part 1 Welfare, culture and social change: education, welfare and nationhood in Europe, Walter Lorenz; Sweden - the traumatic dismantling of welfare in a model welfare culture, Martin Peterson; globalization and the subjectivity of professional social workers, Steven Trevillion; money, care and consumption - families in the mixed economy of social care, John Baldock and Clare Ungerson. Part 2 Welfare, culture and practice: public and private relations of welfare in East and West Germany, Annette King and Prue Chamberlayne; getting help and having rights - parents' experiences of child welfare in England and France, Rachel Hetherington; anxiety and child protection work in two national systems, Andrew Cooper; economic and cultural dimensions of the dualism of poverty in Italy, Antonella Spano. Part 3 Welfare, culture and social theory: questions of criticism -Habermas and Foucault on civil society and the welfare state, Samantha Ashenden; psychosocial characteristics of welfare, Mike Rustin; European families of nations and value patterns, Michael Hornsby-Smith and Michael Proctor; biography and social polocy, Prue Chamberlayne; conclusion - welfare, culture and policy in Europe, Andrew Cooper.