Part 1 Paediatrics: premature birth and music therapy, Monika Nocker-Ribaupierre; indications for the inclusion of music therapy in the care of hospitalized infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, Helen Shoemark; ''a song of life'' - improvised songs with children with cancer and serious blood disordes, Ann Turry. Part 2 Developmental disability: contact in music - the analysis of musical behaviour in children with communication disorder and pervasive developmental disability for differential diagnosis, Tony Wigram; music and autism - vocal improvization as containment of stereotypes, Gianluigi di Franco; islanders - making connections in music therapy, Claire Flower; client-centred therapy for emotionally disturbed teenagers with moderate learning disability, John Strange; the use of creative improvization and psychodynamic insights in music therapy with an abused child, Pauline Etkin; Orff music therapy with multiple-handicapped children, Melanie Voight; the music, the meaning and the therapist's dilemma, Sandra Brown. Part 3 Neurology: ''singing my life, playing myself'' - song-based and improvisatory methods of music therapy with individuals with neurological impairments, Wendy Magee; music therapy in neuro-surgical rehabilitation, Simon Gilbertson. Part 4 Aspects of training and clinical supervision: integrative approaches to supervision for music therapists, Isabelle Frohne-Hageman; psychoanalytically-oriented music therapy supervision, Janice Dvorkin; music therapy training - a process to develop the musical and therapeutic identity of the music therapist, Tony Wigram et al.