1.Introduction 2.Taming the Passions: Moral Contagion, the Curative and Transformative Power of the Arts in Moral Treatment. 3.Mad, Bad and Degenerate: Art Therapy, Degeneration, Psychoanalysis and ''the Psychopathological School''. 4.Casting Off the Shackles of the Intellect: Is Modern Art Mad Art? 5.In the Moral Tradition. 6.Adrian Hill and the Development of Art Therapy Within Sanatoria. 7.Pioneers of Art Therapy: Research at Maudsley and Netherne Hospitals. 8.Pioneers of Art Therapy: The Development of Art Therapy Within Psychiatry and Related Settings. 9.Withymead: Britain's First Therapeutic Community Dedicated to Art Therapy. 10.Branch Street and Other Projects. 11.The Historical Roots Revisited. A Conclusion. Bibliography.