Introduction, Andrea Gilroy and Gerry McNeilly, 1. Our Lady of the Queen: Journeys around the maternal object, Caroline Case, Scottish Institute of Human Relations, Edinburgh. 2. The triangular relationship and the aesthetic countertransference in analytical art psychotherapy, Joy Schaverien, art psychotherapist and Jungian analyst in private practice. 3. Back to the future: Thinking about theoretical developments in art therapy, Tessa Dalley, St Albans Child and Family Clinic. 4. The analytical art psychotherapy setting as a containing object in psychotic states, Katherine Killick, art psychotherapist and Jungian analyst in private practice. 5. Keeping the balance: Further thoughts on the dialectics of art therapy, Sally Skaife, Goldsmiths' College, University of London. 6. Failure in the group analytic setting, Gerry McNeilly, Birmingham University. 7. Teachers, students, clients, therapists, researchers: Changing gear in experiential art therapy groups, Jane Dudley, Andrea Gilroy and Sally Skaife, Goldsmiths' College, University of London. References, Index.