Chapter 1. Parenting and public policy, John Coleman and Debi Roker, TSA. Chapter 2. Parents and teenagers, John Coleman, TSA. Chapter 3. Supporting black and minority ethnic teenagers and their parents, Leandra Box, Race Equality Unit. Chapter 4. Parenting and youth crime, Clem Henricson, National Family and Parenting Institute. Chapter 5. Working with parents in the youth justice context, Sarah Lindfield and Janice Cusick, TSA. Chapter 6. Providing support through telephone helplines, Dorit Braun, Parentline Plus. Chapter 7. Using the Parent Adviser model to support parents of teenagers, Hilton Davis, Guys, Kings and St Thomas's School of Medicine and Crispin Day. Chapter 8. Setting up a parenting teenagers group, Dirk Uitterdijk and Jo Pitt. Chapter 9. Schools as a context for working with parents: the 'living with teenagers...supporting parents' projects, Debi Roker and Helen Richardson, TSA. Chapter 10. Professional development in the parenting context, Mary Crowley, Parenting Education and Support Forum. Chapter 11. The parenting of teenagers: Present and future Debi Roker and John Coleman, TSA. References. Index.