It is proven that reminiscing contributes to people's health and well being, whether young or old. This deceptively simple activity helps people integrate and find meaning in their life experiences. In The Past in the Present you will find a diverse collection of methods-both formal and informal-for working successfully with individuals, couples, and groups. Anyone in a care-giving role can reap the rewards of using reminiscence. Author Faith Gibson, a renowned reminiscence expert, provides all the tools you need, from the commonplace to the unique, to help others improve life satisfaction build self-esteem resurrect coping and problem-solving skills enhance communication diminish social isolation develop deeper relationships You'll find the most productive formats for constructing and recording the life story, techniques to unlock therapeutic barriers, multi-sensory triggers that stimulate recall, themes and topics to elicit memories, and inter-generational activities that reach young and old alike. An entire section compassionately guides you in using reminiscence in dementia care, including home care, adult day centres, and in residential facilities. Plus, for the first time anywhere, learn how reminiscence can be used as a dynamic tool for staff development, improving the skills and care delivery of direct care staff. The Past in the Present is an essential reminiscence resource for nursing staff and paraprofessionals, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, activity directors, recreation therapists, professionals providing training programs for volunteers and family caregivers, community groups, and schools and college programs proving community service and inter-generational outreach. Instructors in gerontology and related disciplines will find this an insightful, essential addition to their curricula.