Foreword Preface Dedications and Acknowledgements Self-Care Resources Section 1 Chapter 1 Massage fusion: The art and science of a multi-modal approach to massage therapy Chapter 2 Back to basics: The art of advanced massage Chapter 3 Working with emotions in bodywork Chapter 4 Chronic pain: Are the issues in the tissues or is the pain in the brain? Section 2 Chapter 5 Clinical assessment Chapter 6 The warm-up act: The power of hot and cold in advanced clinical massage Chapter 7 Dedicated followers of fascia: The background and practice of fascial therapies Chapter 8 Trigger happy! The art and science of trigger point therapy Chapter 9 Meridian magic! Using meridians and acupressure points in massage Chapter 10 Stretching the truth: What the new evidence tells us about stretching Chapter 11 The importance of teaching self care Section 3 Chapter 12 Low back pain protocol Chapter 13 Neck and shoulder pain protocol Chapter 14 Shoulder girdle pain protocol Chapter 15 Forearm and wrist pain protocol Chapter 16 Hip and pelvis pain protocol Chapter 17 Leg, knee and foot pain protocol Chapter 18 Temporomandibular joint pain protocol Chapter 19 Stress and chronic pain protocol
Rachel is the Co-Director and Founder of the Jing Institute of Advanced Massage Training (and has been teaching and practising massage for over 20 years. After qualifying in the UK, she gained an associate degree in advanced massage at the New York College for Holistic Health and Education, gaining awards for both academic and clinical excellence. She has trained extensively in Eastern and Western bodywork including medical massage, craniosacral, myofascial, structural integration (KMI) trigger point therapy, Thai massage, Amma therapy, Sports massage, visceral manipulation, and neuromuscular techniques. Rachel writes regularly for several massage and complementary health magazines including Choice Health & Wellbeing, Massage World, the magazine of the Scottish Massage Therapists organisation, and Holistic Therapist. She is a sought after guest lecturer for several institutions including McTimoney College of Chiropractic, CPDO (centre for professional development of osteopaths), the FHT and the International Dermal Institute. She has also been the recipient for two years running of the CAM expo award for outstanding achievement in her field. Rachel continues to travel the world researching the most effective techniques to share with her students and clients. In addition, Rachel continues to treat clients in pain at the Jing Pain Clinic in Brighton. Meghan has had successful private massage practices focusing on sports and injury prevention in San Francisco and New York. She has been an instructor at the Open Centre in New York City and at the National Institute of Holistic Health in California. She is the former manager and international sales director of the prestigious Stone Spa in New York City specialising in advanced massage and hot stone treatments. In addition to her broad range of massage skills, she brings to all Jing courses an expertise in marketing and public relations. Meghan has travelled extensively in the States providing training in hot stone massage and other techniques at the most exclusive spas and health resorts in the world. She believes strongly in the integration of differing modalities of massage so that every client may be treated as an individual. With great energy and passion she encourages all of her students to be creative with their work, believing success can only come if you truly love what you do.