Fascia in the Osteopathic Field


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Edited by Torsten Liem, Paolo Tozzi, Anthony Chila
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FASCIAL CONCEPTS Introduction Torsten Liem Chapter 1 Objective: palpatory literacy Anthony G. Chila Chapter 2 Fascial concepts in osteopathic history Jane E. Stark Chapter 3 Nomenclature of fascia Werner Klingler, Julia Bierbaum, Robert Schleip Chapter 4 The embryology of fascia: providing the capacity for movement and integrity Darrell J. R. Evans Chapter 5 Histology of fascia Frans van den Berg 2 PHYSIOLOGY AND FUNCTIONS OF FASCIA Introduction Torsten Liem Chapter 6 Physiology of fascia Frans van den Berg Chapter 7 Fascia as a sensory organ Robert Schleip Chapter 8 The role of fascia in immunity and inflammation Lisa M. Hodge Chapter 9 Pathophysiology of fascia Frans van den Berg Chapter 10 The fascia as the organ of innerness: a holistic approach based upon a phenomenological embryology and morphology Jaap C. van der Wal Chapter 11 Fascial mechanics: the physics of anatomy and function Serge Gracovetsky Chapter 12 Tensegrity in the context of the myofascial network: its relevance to osteopathic practice David J. Hohenschurz-Schmidt Chapter 13 The myofascial system and force transmission in the fascia Peter A. Huijing Chapter 14 The ligamentous-myofascial system Michael J. Decker, Bradley S. Davidson 3 CLINICAL ASPECTS OF FASCIA Introduction Paolo Tozzi Chapter 15 General anatomy of fascia Jean-Claude Guimberteau Chapter 16 The superficial fascia Antonio Stecco, Carla Stecco, Luigi Stecco Chapter 17 Fascial anatomy of the trunk Peter J. Brechtenbreiter Chapter 18 Fascial anatomy of the limbs Andrezj Pilat Chapter 19 Fascial anatomy of the viscera Andrea Pasini, Antonio Stecco, Carla Stecco Chapter 20 The diaphragm Michel Puylaert Chapter 21 Anatomy of the dura mater Torsten Liem Chapter 22 The fascia of the peripheral nervous system Michael Hamm 4 ANATOMY AND STRUCTURE OF FASCIA Introduction Anthony Chila, Paolo Tozzi 4.1 Therapeutic considerations Chapter 23 The abilities of fascia Rudiger C. Goldenstein, Patrick Van Den Heede Chapter 24 Fascia and posture: from the biomechanical model to the neuromyofascial postural model Paolo Zavarella, Maurizio Zanardi, Christian Lunghi Chapter 25 Fascia as a sensory organ: clinical applications Robert Schleip Chapter 26 Touch related to fascia Maurice Cesar Chapter 27 Myofascial trigger points, sensitization, and chronic pain: evaluation and treatment Jay P. Shah, Nikki Thakker Chapter 28 Nociception and pain of fascia Wilfrid Janig, Winfried L. Neuhuber Chapter 29 Mechanisms of fascial dysfunction and treatment Paolo Tozzi Chapter 30 Ultrasound imaging of fascia and its clinical implications David Bongiorno Chapter 31 Myofascial meridians in practice Thomas W. Myers Chapter 32 The contractile field and fascia Phillip Beach Chapter 33 The innervation of fascial tissues: focus on thin-caliber afferents and sympathetic efferents Winfried L. Neuhuber, Wilfrid Janig 4.2 Manual techniques Chapter 34 Myofascial release Carol J. Manheim Chapter 35 The fascial distortion model originated by Stephen P. Typaldos George Harrer Chapter 36 Practical application of the Still technique Christian Fossum Chapter 37 Soft tissue work Laurie S. Hartmann Chapter 38 Vibratory technique on fascial tissue Fabio Schroeter Chapter 39 The bioenergetic model of fascia as related to trauma Judith A. O'Connell Chapter 40 Fascial unwinding technique Paolo Tozzi Chapter 41 Myofascial induction therapy (MIT) Andrzej Pilat Chapter 42 Strain and counterstrain in relation to fascia John C. Glover, William H. Devine Chapter 43 Long leverage: a 'new' therapeutical approach to fascia Toscano-Jimenez, Cristina Gioja Chapter 44 Balanced ligamentous tension technique (BLT) Paolo Tozzi, Cristian Ciranna-Raab Chapter 45 Fascial manipulation (R) and the biomechanical model of the human fascial system Julie A. Day, Carla Stecco, Antonio Stecco Chapter 46 Clinical integration of fascial approaches Christian Fossum Chapter 47 Lympho-fascia release and viscerolymphatic approach to fascia Bruno Chikly Chapter 48 Fascial treatment of the vascular system Ralf Vogt Chapter 49 Skin - the key element in palpation of fascia: from an osteosophical conceptualization to research Jean-Marie A. T. Beuckels Chapter 50 Jarricot's dermalgia applied to fascia Michel Puylaert Chapter 51 Understanding and approach to treatment of scars and adhesions Susan L. Chapelle Chapter 52 Fascial taping Kenzo Kase Chapter 53 Osteopathic treatment of the dura Torsten Liem Chapter 54 The plexuses Serge Paoletti Chapter 55 Techniques for body cavities Torsten Liem, Rudiger C. Goldenstein, Patrick Van Den Heede
Torsten Liem MSc DO is Joint Principal of the German School of Osteopathy, a practising osteopath, lecturer in cranial osteopathy and head of several osteopathic MSc-programmes in Germany and Europe. He is the author and editor of several books and has written numerous articles. Torsten Liem is organiser of the international osteopathy symposia in Berlin; founder of an osteopathic teaching clinic and of the charitably financed centre for paediatric osteopathy in Hamburg. A board member of the German and European Societies of Pediatric Osteopathy, Torsten Liem is also co-founder and coeditor of the journal Osteopathische Medizin (Elsevier), member of the Advisory Board of the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, and co-founder of Breathe Yoga. His core vision is the implementation of osteopathic principles in practice, and connecting them with the principles of classical Chinese medicine and yoga, and with psychological and energetic aspects. Paolo Tozzi MSc Ost, DO, PT Is Principal of the First Italian School of Veterinary Osteopathy, Vice-Principal of the Italian Association of Posturologists, former Treasurer of the Osteopathic European Academic Network (OsEAN), and former Vice Principal of CROMON, the Centre for Holistic Research in Osteopathy and Natural Medicine, Rome. He lectures widely on osteopathy, biomechanics and manual therapy, and organized the first international congress on veterinary osteopathy (Rome 2012).

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