This manual is about implementing self-directed support written by people with first hand and direct experience of making self-directed support work, including inspiring stories of self-direction in action. About the manual Self-direction: The key to a better life is written by self direct, a social enterprise founded on the principle that people with personal experience of health and social care services are equal experts and should drive any changes. Self direct supports organisations to implement self-directed support and its members now support over 110,000 people to take control of their lives. This manual introduces readers to self direct and self-directed support with background information on the organisation and its work. There is guidance on areas to avoid and improve when supporting someone to take control of their life and Dr Simon Duffy outlines the practical implications of putting self-directed support into practice. The main focus of the manual is on success stories from self direct members, which show how people's lives dramatically improve when the core Principles of Self-directed Support are put into practice. The seven principles of independent living, entitlement, self-determination, openness, flexibility, learning and contribution can be used to assess whether people are being supported to achieve self-direction in their lives. Organisations including Aspire, the Enable Group and MacIntyre provide inspiring, real life examples to show how people they support are successfully leading the lives they want as a result of directing their own support. Contents include: About us Foreword Chapter 1: About self direct and self-directed support Chapter 2: Setting the scene Chapter 3: Ali Gardner Chapter 4: Aspire Chapter 5: Avalon Chapter 6: Enable Group Chapter 7: Heritage Care Chapter 8: Home Care Direct Chapter 9: Home Instead York Chapter 10: Integracare Chapter 11: MacIntyre Chapter 12: MOWLL Chapter 13: ROC Chapter 14: Ubu Chapter 15: West Lancs Support Chapter 16: York People First Chapter 17: Thoughts for the future Members of self direct Vital information for: Services, organisations and people who want to implement self-directed support, social workers and support workers, families, carers and people with learning disabilities