Section ONE INTRODUCTION Introduction and principles of muscle testing Overview of musculoskeletal anatomy, testing, and palpation Biotensegrity and fascia - the connective tissue system How to use this book Section TWO MUSCLE TESTS BY REGION Head and neck Sternocleidomastoid Scalenes (anterior, middle, and posterior) Splenius capitis Levator scapulae Trapezius (upper fibers) Shoulder and elbow Trapezius (middle fibers) Trapezius (lower fibers) Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres minor Subscapularis Teres major Deltoid (anterior fibers) Deltoid (middle fibers) Deltoid (posterior fibers) Coracobrachialis Biceps brachii Triceps brachii Forearm and wrist Brachioradialis Supinator Pronator teres Pronator quadratus Opponens pollicis Opponens digiti minimi Torso and trunk Pectoralis major (clavicular and sternal portions) Pectoralis minor Rectus abdominis Transverse abdominis Quadratus lumborum Erector spinae group (sacrospinalis) Latissimus dorsi Serratus (anterior) Rhomboid group (major and minor) Pelvis Psoas major and minor Iliacus Piriformis Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Tensor fasciae latae Thigh and knee Quadriceps femoris group Rectus femoris Vastus medialis Vastus lateralis Vastus intermedius Hamstring group Biceps femoris Medial hamstrings (semitendinosus and semimembranosus) Adductor magnus Adductor longus and brevis Gracilis Popliteus Sartorius Lower leg, ankle, and foot Gastrocnemius Soleus Tibialis anterior Tibialis posterior Fibularis group (peroneus) Extensor hallucis longus Flexor hallucis longus Extensor digitorum longus Extensor digitorum brevis Section THREE GAIT TESTING Introduction to gait testing Contralateral shoulder and hip flexor gait test Contralateral shoulder and hip extensor gait test Contralateral shoulder and hip abductor gait test Contralateral shoulder and hip adductor gait test Contralateral psoas and pectoralis major gait test Contralateral gluteus medius and abdominals gait test
Earle Abrahamson holds qualifications in human movement sciences, clinical psychology and pedagogy. He is a principal fellow of the Higher Education Academy and senior lecturer in sports therapy at the University of East London. He has over 20 years experience in education and clinical practice and module leads the functional clinical anatomy course. Jane Langston worked for over 20 years in haematology and blood transfusion laboratories within the National Health Service and is Fellow of the Institute of Biomedical Science. She went on to develop her skills as an Amatsu practitioner in a busy clinic in Hertfordshire for another 20 years. Jane is a teacher of Amatsu Soft Tissue Therapy and of anatomy and physiology and is a director of Amatsu Training School Ltd and Learn Anatomy Ltd.