If you?ave ever gotten dirty looks from strangers for parking in a handicapped spot without a wheelchair, if your life involves more doctors?a visits than dates, if the word hypochondriac sparks a deep and primal rage, Ilana Jacqueline has some words of advice. Don?at worry, you?ave got this. In Outsmarting Chronic Illness, Jacqueline shares the secrets she?as learned from living with two life-limiting diseases and offers tips for the real stuff you deal with every day ?i taking charge of your health care, managing relationships, building self-esteem, and learning to thrive with a disability or invisible illness. She?all guide you through: Staying cool, calm, and collected during the diagnostic odyssey. Coping with people who may not understand the very real impact your disease has on your every day life. Balancing school, work, and relationships with treatment, symptoms, and stress. Learning to confront illness-related changes in your appearance and energy and overcoming shame And much more.